Saturday, December 15, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Winterdays

This is a summary of what's going on during the winter holiday, which runs from Dec. 14 until Jan. 3.

Here are more details, including item lists and bug fixes that were done as part of the Winterdays download.

For all the nitty gritty details, visit the official wiki.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Skyrim DLC Content and Release Dates UPDATED

Skyrim has three sets of downloadable content available now but not everything is released on every platform. The first set of DLC is called Dawnguard (it is all about vampires--you can either play as one or be one of the Dawnguard whose job is to kill vamps).  It didn't get great reviews.  Most folks thought $20 was a high price for not much content.  This is available for the PC and xBox 360.  (Sorry, PS3 owners.)

Here's the Dawnguard trailer.

The second piece of downloadable content is called Hearthfire and is also available only on the xBox 360 and PC.  (Sorry again, PS3 owners!)  It allows you to "build" a house in a limited way and adopt an orphan plus acquire a House Steward.  Here's the review and trailer.  I haven't found the official pricing for this yet but it might be around $5.

Here's the trailer.

Dragonborn is getting good word-of-mouth reviews so far, but it is available for xBox 360 players only as of December 4, 2012.  It won't be available on PCs or PS3 until "early 2013." Here's the trailer.  I don't have pricing for this yet.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Trait System

This guide explains skill points and traits and why trait points only work occasionally--"...every five points invested nets you a trait perk."

This guide is a bit briefer and only covers traits.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Exiting Guild Wars 2 Momentarily

Often you will need to temporarily exit Guild Wars 2 to look at a file or a browser window on your computer.  To do so, hold down the Command key and push Tab (Macs) or hold down the Windows key and push Tab (PCs).  This minimizes the screen.

Pushing the same key sequence again should take you back to a full Guild Wars 2 window although it may take a few key combo pushes to cycle through the open applications to get back to GW2.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Friday, November 2, 2012

Guild Wars 2 Now on Mac

Instructions on how to download the beta client plus FAQ links here.

Here are the specs you need to play.

Here is the Mac tech support forum.

 Solo MMO Player at

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

GW2: Halloween in Four Acts

Guild Wars 2's Halloween event is called Shadow of the Mad King.  The event unfolds in four acts.  There are also items to purchase.

FAQs summary with tips in the comments

You need to collect clues for the first act.  Here's a guide for part one.  The instructions are confusing so the next link also is a guide to part one.

This is what the official wiki says, with lists of decorated outposts, lists of quests and items, including headgear, and the NPCs involved in the special event.

Here is the achievements list in case you collect them.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Traits and How They Work

Traits are explained on the official wiki.  Once you are level 11, you can buy a manual that unlocks the ability to spend trait points.  As you level, a new trait point is achieved.  You will have to buy a new manual to unlock spending trait points again at level 40 and 60.  There are 70 trait points available.  More details and trait lines listed by profession here.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Traits and Attributes Explained

A developer explains how traits and attributes effect characters.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Guild Wars 2: What are Back Items?

Back items are things like backpacks, capes or back braces (which can hold an additional upgrade).  They can go in an equipment slot in the hero panel.  Engineers get a backpack starting out while others pick up backpacks as quest items in their storyline quests. Some back items can be made by a Guild Armorer that display the guild emblem.  Details and links about various back items are here.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Navigating the Mess that is Rata Sum

The mix of Rubik's Cube and Escher lithograph that is the asura's starting zone called Rata Sum is a horror to navigate, although I am told there are golem that will give directions.  Here is the best guide to the city I've found.  Make sure you click on the tiny map to enlarge it.

Here is a list of locations.  Note that there is no information available for most locations if you click the links today.

Here are videos of where all the vista points are located, which also may help you navigate Rata Sum.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2: Engineer Flamethrower Builds

Here are a series of flamethrower builds for the GW 2 engineer.

PvE flamethrower build

Another take on the flamethrower build

Are turrets or elixirs better for the flamethrower build?

A flamethrower build complete with video for those who need more than the written word.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2: Weapon and Armor Stats Explained

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2 Weapons

Ten Ton Hammer talks about how weapons work in GW2.

Here's a guide to making Legendary Weapons, with pages and pages of comments.

A list of all legendary weapons in GW2, plus crafting recipes and the "gifts" needed.

A guide to weapons for Necromancers.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Monday, October 1, 2012

Guild Wars 2: "New Build Available, Game Will Restart"

Guild Wars 2 doesn't have weekly downtime as World of Warcraft does.  Instead you will see this message~"New Build Available, Game Will Restart."  A "new build" is an update to the game.

Allegedly you have five minutes to log out (The Solo MMO Player gets kicked out immediately, who at ArenaNet doesn't like him?) and then the launcher will start downloading the new version.  The server has to recognize the new version before you can play again.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2: Classes and Weapons by Role

Here's a chart that spells out how each classes' weapons work with various roles in GW2.  This seems to be based on the beta, by the way.

Here's the chart alone.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Guild War 2 Now on Macintosh

Note that this is in beta form.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2: Trainer Locations

Trainers are difficult to find in GW2.  Here's where profession and commander trainers can be found:

Crafting trainers are called Master Craftsmen.  They are listed by craft and then location here.  Generally once you find one crafting trainer, the others in that location will be nearby.  Remember, you have to choose "Please teach me" from the dialogues to be taught the craft.  It isn't enough just to find the trainer for the craft you want to learn.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Maps UPDATED

IGN has set up an interactive map for GW2.  Note that there is a PVP map link on the left side of the page.  Click on the Filters' pull down menu to see what the map markers mean and to refine your search.

Map Features is a section with maps showing items like Renown Hearts, Waypoints, etc.  That's linked to on the left.  I've also added a Favorite Links to GW2 Cartographers which looks like it is going to be very useful.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2: The Engineer

The engineer is a new class for the Guild Wars games.  Here is what the official wiki says (with links to skills, etc.).

This article discussions how the engineer works.

Here are a few builds in video form.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Guild Wars 2: The Bank and Mailbox

The bank and the mailbox are handled differently in GW2.   The mail is handled via your UI instead of going to a local with a virtual mailbox.  You can mail items to other players but not among your characters.

Instead, you can use the bank (called the account vault by GW2) to transfer items among your characters which all share the same bank account.  To access the bank,  talk to a banker or visit a crafting station.

Note that you can automatically send crafting materials to your bank while out foraging in the wild just by going into inventory and either right clicking your mouse, then selecting "Deposit Collectible" or by clicking the gear icon and choosing "Deposit All Collectibles."  This is described in the second link above under the Auto Deposit section.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Monday, September 24, 2012

Guild Wars 2: What is Condition Damage?

What is condition damage?  Condition damage is a secondary attribute that improves the damage you inflict.

Damage is called DPS in World of Warcraft.

What are conditions?  Here is a list of conditions you can use making your gear.  Apparently you build through both a character tree and through conditions you build into your gear.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2: PvP Maps and Strategies

A general article about PvP in GW2, with maps, proposed strategies and other help.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2: Using an xBox 360 Controller

You can use an xBox controller to play GW2, with some caveats.  This link explains the rules and links to forum postings that have links to such programs.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2: Data Visualization

Curious about the distribution of professions, races and skills in GW2?  Not to worry, Erik has build a visualization model current as of Sept. 22, 2012 (I think).

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2: What is Effective Level?

If you've noticed green effective levels in parentheses in your UI and wondered what is going on, this is GW2's dynamic level adjustment system.  Any higher level character in a lower level area will have their level reduced to a more appropriate level.  No high level ganking of lower level characters, in other words.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2: Cooking

Cooking is a bit different from the other crafts in GW2.  Here is a guide to cooking.

Here is a database of the recipes that shows the needed ingredients for each.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Build Calculator

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Guild Wars 2: The Warrior

Some videos, a few builds and profession information for the GW2 warrior.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2: Elementalist Builds

This site has elementalist build and profession info.  Check the column on the right side of the page.  Lots of videos and many things seem to be taken from the beta.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2: Ranger Builds

This site specializes in ranger builds for GW2.  All the builds are based on the beta.

More ranger builds.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Thursday, September 20, 2012

WOW: Warlock Guides

Affliction warlock site.

Warlock's Den covers all warlock flavors but some information seems out of date.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Sunday, September 2, 2012

WOW Blacksmithing Recipes

This is a recipes database.  You can sort the listing by using the tabs at the top of the list.

This is a guide to obtaining all the blacksmithing recipes.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2 Starter Guide (Social) and Problems

IGN has written a Guild Wars 2 starter guide for players with an emphasis on grouping, including information about overflow maps, whether you can a friend can play together regardless of race, drawing on the map, etc. Some tips are useful whether you play GW2 solo or with friends.

Note that GW2 is having major problems.  Their servers are so full that they have temporarily suspended digital sales.  It does look like those who pre-purchased the game can still download it and play, however.  Here's a listing of the problem areas which include security issues.

Around 3,000 players have been permanently banned for buying mis-priced high level karma weapons in huge numbers and creating even higher level items from them.  GW2's developers are going to allow the permanently banned a second chance if they promise to get rid of these items.  They will be allowed back after a 72 hour ban but if you have the items in your inventory still, it's permanent ban time again.

Here's more about account hacking.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Friday, August 31, 2012

WOW: How Does Transmogrification Work?

Here is how transmogrification works.

Here is a video that shows the entire process.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

WOW: Patch 5.0.4 Problems on Macs

Players are reporting performance issues on Macs after Patch 5.0.4, ranging from dancing pixels to login problems to CPU usage at 100% at the login screen.  Here are the issues plus a few suggestions.

The Mac Forum is the best place for tech support.  This is the 5.0.4 migration patch troubleshooting guide.

Other topics that are causing problems can be found here.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

WOW: Patch 5.0.4

A summary with links to more detail of all the changes Blizzard made to WOW in Patch 5.0.4, so you have some idea of what is going on.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Sunday, August 26, 2012

How the Mighty Have Fallen (Revisiting WOW)

The Solo MMO Player is messing around with the "battle chest" version of World of Warcraft, just killing some time by revisiting WOW after almost two years away from the game.  He is shocked at the change in the game.  He's playing in a PVP realm and just got asked by another player if he needs help taking the blimp from one point to another.  He's  used to being ganked while waiting on the platform for the zeppelin....

As a level 1-2, he was besieged with Join My Guild requests.  Exactly who is eager to have a level one player in their guild?

The chat line has no swearing, no racial or sexist or homophobic slurs, no constant references to anal and oral sex.  Stunning.

The way to Orgrimmar used to be an open plain. Now it looks like strip malls have been set up.
The towns are crowded with junk.  It looks like an interior decorator was hired to do a 24 hour makeover to what used to be our favorite game location.  It didn't turn out well.

The NPCs are programmed now to make snotty comments.

Farming has been made much more difficult on PVP servers as the zones are so chopped up.  This isn't surprising as Blizzard never paid a lot of attention to crafting.

The Auction House has very common low level items available for huge prices.  There must not be much farming going on.

Blizzard claims 10.2 million players, down from a peak of 12 million.  We've always been suspicious of the numbers since they are unverifiable.  It's hard to believe that the loss of two million players would have such an impact on player behavior as the Solo MMO Player sees in the game today compared to when he last played in November 2010.

Some things never change, however.  People are still arguing about Chuck Norris.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Saturday, August 25, 2012

WOW: Best Farming Locations

The best farming locations for various items (Patch 4.3.3)

Here's a skinning guide, by level.

Places to farm (this is organized by profession)

Leatherworking patterns/recipes (dated 2008)

Skinning and leather information

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Friday, August 24, 2012

Maximum Level for Each WOW Expansion?

The Solo MMO Player just asked me the maximum level for the original game and each expansion of World of Warcraft.  It was so hard to find I thought I'd post the answer here.

Vanilla WOW  - top level 60 (November 2004)
Burning Crusade - top level 70 (released January 2007)
Wrath of the Lich King - top level 80 (released November 2008)
Cataclysm - top level 85 (released December 2010)
Mists of Pandaria -  top level 90 (to be released September 25, 2012)

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Thursday, August 23, 2012

WOW: Rogue Professions Chart

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

WOW: Using the Mobile Authenticator on Kindle Fire

Apparently's mobile authenticator can be downloaded to the Kindle File.  The trick is that it is available via Google's Play site, not via Amazon's app store.  I have no idea if this works or not.

Here's another convoluted method which only works if you have an Android phone to download to.

The easiest method is to use to put apps on your Kindle Fire but mobile authenticator doesn't seem to be one of them.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Uplay: Ubisoft Security Risk

Ubisoft's UPlay service comes with a security risk.  Here're the details and now to remove the problem plug-in.

Here's the patch to fix UPlay.

Ubisoft says this was caused by a coding error.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Razer Mouse Plus Razer Keyboard Plus Synapse 2.0 Equals One Hot Mess

Razer's newest innovation is their Synapse 2.0 storage of mice and keyboard settings "on the cloud."  The Solo MMO Player likes their peripherals.  He just replaced his old mouse with a new Razer Naga mouse to work with his two year old Razer BlackWidow Ultimate keyboard.  He downloaded the Synapse 2.0 information and bingo!  His keyboard programming vanished.

Synapse 2.0 recognized his new mouse but not the keyboard.  A call was made to Razer tech support in India but they didn't have any suggestions except to have someone more knowledgable get back to the Solo MMO Player later.  This is an issue the tech support person he talked to hadn't heard of before but he did suggest a hard reboot of the system to see if that took care of what he thought must be a bug.

The Solo MMO Player had extensively customized that keyboard.  He was not pleased.  However, being a smart cookie with extensive experience with engineers who are much more interested in the newest thing than in making sure the product works well, he analyzed what happened from every angle and came up with a fix.

First, he removed the Synapse 2.0 software, then he unplugged the Naga mouse from the RS232 port on the Black Widow Ultimate keyboard's right side and plugged the mouse into another RS232 port elsewhere, then did a hard reboot.  He reloaded the Synapse 2.0 software and like magic it worked.  Even the keyboard programming miraculously reappeared.

Bottom line, Synapse 2.0 can't tell the difference between a keyboard and mouse, even Razer's own models, if one is plugged into the other.   Why Synapse 2.0 decided it would see the mouse instead of the keyboard, I have no idea.  This is a major quality control testing error of a new product but engineers forget what pays their bills when they are dazzled by the Next New Thing.

The Solo MMO Player is happy again but I imagine when the Razer engineer calls, if he or she ever does, they are going to learn from a customer who is knowledgeable, aggressive and not exceptionally polite not to take their eye off the ball.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Best General Introduction to Guild Wars 2...

...compiled and organized by Dragon Season, who is now my hero.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Money Money Money (Guild Wars 2)

Guild Wars 2 has all kinds of currency:  Coins (bronze, silver and gold), Gems, Glory, Influence, Karma, Skill Points and Supply.   Here's a nice video about all the currencies, how each is used and how to get them.

Here's a written guide to the currencies.  It looks to be somewhat incomplete to me.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Crafting in Guild Wars 2 UPDATED

There are eight crafting professions in Guild Wars 2 (and 400 skills levels!).  You can learn all the crafting professions, but can only have two disciplines active on a character at one time.  You can gather materials for crafting by purchasing items, looting defeated foes' bodies, gathering certain raw materials, and salvaging materials after destroying items using a salvage kit.  All this is covered in the GW2 wiki.  Yes, it's complicated.  This is the very best guide I've found.

Here is what the official wiki says about crafting.  The links are very useful for research.

This summarizes crafting and has explanations of how professions work crafting items.

Here is a crafting orientation video for beginners.  (based on the beta)

A more intermediate crafting video with an emphasis on gathering and storage. (based on the beta)

Cooking is a little different so here's a video that covers just cooking.  (based on the beta)

Psynister has analyzed the gem store. You can read all about it and see the organizational charts here.  Thanks, Psyn!

He's also done a review of the game.

UPDATE:  Recipes are color coded in the production tab of your crafting UI.  I am quoting the Production section in the link below as follows:

"The production tab shows all available recipes. The color of a recipe's name indicates how close the recipe is to your current discipline level. The colors are the same as for item quality, progressing from gold for recipes near your current level to green to dark blue to light blue to white to gray for recipes that no longer grant any crafting experience.
Red recipes appear when you are within five levels of the next 25-level interval, at which point they will automatically unlock.
The number after the recipe name indicates how many items you can craft using that recipe, based on the contents your inventory and collections."

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2: Lion's Arch

Lion's Arch is a critical hub in Guild Wars 2, both in terms of lore and in terms of getting from Point A to Point B, particularly when you are new to the game.  This article has some history and lore and a video of the physical layout.

The GW2 wiki has a list of waypoints at Lion's Arch.'s_Arch

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars 2: Pets UPDATED

Only rangers have pets.  Here's info about the pets low level rangers can have.

How to tame pets and lists of pets available.  Only juvenile animals can be tamed/charmed.

This site talks about the differences in stats among pet types with videos.

This site is a complete guide to both ranger pets and mini-pets.

Here's a bit about mini-pets, which are essentially vanity pets available to anyone for a price.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Guild Wars: Inscription Weapons

"An inscription is a salvageable upgrade component that can be applied to equippable primary or off-hand weapons with an inscription slot."  Here are a list of the inscription types, how to get them, etc.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars: Lists of Hero Skill Trainers by Location

Pick the location you are interested in from the list.  (Note:  this is the original game.)

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars Character and Hero Builds Lists

Character builds for Guild Wars One, both PvP and PvE.

Another list of character builds.

An exhaustive list of Hero builds.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guild Wars One: Maps, Weapon Finder, and Beginner's Guide

The Guild Wars Guru has a nice collection of maps at this site, plus a "collector finder" that perports to find the weapons with the attributes you need.

This page has a collection of articles aimed at the beginning player.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Guild Wars One Guides

A guide to quests in the original Guild Wars, grouped (roughly) by location and level.

Here are a collection of guides that include a beginner's guide, character specific guides, mission guides, etc.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Interested in Guild Wars 2?

Here is a bit about the beta, with some game details for folks who haven't played the original Guild Wars.

Here are a series of videos that talk about various aspects of the game.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Rift: The NkRebuff Addon

NkRebuff is a Rift addon to manage buffs.  The only documentation I found was this wiki.

I also found this explanation of why some buffs don't show up.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and read the last posting.

The project manager is looking for add-on help for this and other Rift add ons he's written.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Rift: Gearing Guides

Rift's theory crafting seems to be very very complex, with variables such as synergy crystals, builds, vendor locations and goods, gear available from factions, and various types of currencies and which gear they buy being mixed in unpredictable ways.  I don't see resources that help one, either, so I'm going to try to find good gear guides in the hopes that this helps at least those who happen to have a similar build.  Here they are, in the order in which I found them--

Warrior Reaver Macro Guide (February 2012, Patch 1.7)

Synergy Crystals for Mages (July 2011)

Chloromancer Guide (February 2012)

PVP Gearing Guide (March 2012)

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Guilds I Have Seen

WTF Spagetti's blog entry about various types of guilds (he lumps them into the three general classes of social, casual raiding, and raiding) got me thinking about how The Solo MMO Player defines the guilds on his realm:

The Frat Boys: These guilds like to get together and trash the place, kill all the NPCs, block the entrance to the Auction House, mess with players out minding their own business, etc. and whose peak WOW experience was last year's zombie invasion.

The Users:  The guilds that invite as many folks to join as possible so that they can use them to cherry pick the best drops for the officers and then boot the members who complain about this treatment.  This guild is only interested in what's in it for them.

The Losers:  These are the new guilds which are started by those no one else will allow in a guild so that they can lord it over somebody.  The officers are inexperienced and domineering and these guilds don't last long.

The Fruit Cakes:  These guilds are distinguished by officers who are nuts or who allow their crazy significant others to rule the guild.  You can usually tell who is off their meds by the amount of Scripture they quote alternating with angry rants against you, the new guild member.  Run away, run away!

The Pro Athletes:  These guilds are the ultra serious raiders, with cut-throat competition for who has the best stats, gear or raiding slots.  Join at your own risk, assuming that you can meet their very stringent criteria and raid every night of the week on top of reading everything possible to prepare for raiding.

The Taxi Drivers:  These are leveling guilds with a twist.  They look for high level players to walk low level players through instances.  Very few folks here know how to play their characters as everything is given them.  Avoid if you want to learn to play the game.

The Kmart Shoppers:  These guilds want one thing and that's the "best" loot, whatever that happens to be this week.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Friday, June 29, 2012

Rift: Currency Summary

There are way too many currencies in Rift!  This recently updated list is helpful in knowing what you need for various items.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Rift: Rogue PVP Builds

A discussion of rogue builds in PVP (dated June 2012).

This site collects rogue builds, including PVP.  It is not dated so I can't tell how recent the builds are but if you click on the link, you can see when the build was last updated.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rift Mobile Authenticator without a Smart Phone?

Supposedly the BlueStacks emulator allows one to run the Rift Android mobile authenticator on a PC. The first URL has a link to the download, and the second (dated last January 2012) talks about BlueStacks.

Apparently BlueStacks is still in beta.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rift: Fishing Guide

Comprehensive Rift fishing guide--Once you travel to a section, use the commands at the bottom of the page to go elsewhere.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Monday, June 25, 2012

Rift: Higher End Gear Guide

An aid to higher end gear progression via a variety of ways.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Rift: Planar Vendors

Planar vendors by zone with locations, levels, etc.

Another short list for just rare planar vendors.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Rift: Gear Recommendations by Vendor

This site recommends higher level and PVP gear, and lists merchants that sell it in Shimmersand, Iron Pine Peak and Stillmore.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Rift: Where to Buy Planar Focus

A explanation of planar focus with a list of vendors.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Rift: Lists of Planar Essences

Most thorough list of planar essences I could find.  Clicking on one gives you some information about it.

Zam's database isn't as large but you can search for just Greater or just Lesser Planar Essences.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Rift: Planar Focus

A guide to understanding planar focus.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Monday, April 30, 2012

Rift: Fishing Guides

An alphabetical list of fish and where to find them, with a second list by zone

Good fishing guide. Use the commands at the bottom of a page to navigate.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rift: Where to Find Cloth Materials

This guide to outfitting has locations by zone and level of various cloths at the bottom of the page.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Rift: What is Planar Attunement?

At Level 50, a planar attunement calculator replaces a character's experience bar.  This site summarizes how this works, from how to gain and then spend points, to how to re-spec.

This guide to planar attunement is more detailed and explains how to unlock the planar attunement system.  There is also calling-specific information here.

This site has an attunement calculator by calling.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Rift: Fishing and Survival

Patch 1.8 added survival and fishing as professions.  There are trainers for each in every zone and don't count toward your profession cap.

Here's a guide to fishing.

This basic guide to survival has information about trainers and recipes and some advice.

These tables have helpful information on food,

on camping supplies, and...

...the fish needed to get various skills.

Fishing and Survival bugs and fixes

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

WOW: Revisiting the Game

Ever miss the creative side of World of Warcraft?  You can revisit the game by watching some incredible machinima videos.

What the Internet is For

Ballad of the Noob.


WOW Dancing

Anti-Elf Anthem

Five from the Snacky Series:  1)  Snacky' Goes Murloc Tipping

2)  Snacky Is Dieting

3)  Snacky Goes Fishing

4)  Snacky Goes Double Dating

5)  Roberto's Halloween Special

And of course Pergola's masterpiece, The Craft of War: Blind

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Enlargeable Rift Online Manual

The Rift online manual is in PDF form which means although some pages are hard to read, they can't always be manipulated easily.  I found an online version of the manual that allows pages to be enlarged.  Just click on the magnifying glass with the plus or minus sign at the top of the page or drag the slider to enlarge the page.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Returning Rift Player Orientation

Information about changes in the game (August 2011)

More about changes (September 2011)

Several folks recommend just reading the major patch notes (1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and now 1.8) to see what's changed.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Rift Anthenticator for All Devices

Downloads of the authenticator for Android, iPhone and Windows phones.


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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Help with Legends of Grimrock Puzzles

The official Legends of Grimrock forum has a hints page that is searchable.

Floor 11 in Tomb of Designers and Level 3 Tunnels and Gate Puzzle:

Floor Six Hall of Fire's Pits Puzzle

Script for Timed Puzzle on Level Six

Key to Cells on Level Two

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Skyrim to Have Kinect Functionality on Consoles

This will release in a few weeks.

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Skyrim Update 1.5

Skyrim's 1.5 update hits the PS3 and xBox Live system today.  It already has been live (via Steam) for PC players.  Details here.

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Balder's Gate Enhanced Edition Due This Summer

Balder's Gate 1 and 2 are set for re-release this summer for the PC, Mac OSX (Snow Leopard 10.6.6 or newer) and iPad, with new content promised to add to this classic RPG.  Here's a bit about the game if you have never played.

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Skyrim Creation Kit Explained

Eurogamer talks about the Skyrim Creation Kit.  Mods made from the Creation Kit will be hosted on Steam's Steam Workshop (second link) for download.

Here's how to get started.

This is the key mapping layout for the Creation Kit.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Kingdom of Amalur: Armor Sets

A list of various armor sets.

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Kingdom of Amalur: Epic Gems List with Bonuses

A forum listing of various epic gems, including their stats bonuses.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Friday, February 24, 2012

Kingdom of Amalur: How Junk Works (Inventory)

This series of postings explains how the junk bag works in the inventory system.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Kingdom of Amalur: Inventory Bug

A lot of folks are finding items in their inventory (often an armor set but occasionally individual or quest items) that are stuck.  They can't be removed, junked, destroyed, put in stash, etc.  Essentially they lock up those inventory slots.  I've found this that says the developers are planning a patch to fix quest problems and bugs like this but there's no date on when it will appear other than "the next couple of weeks."**BUG**-House-of-Ballads-Armor-Set-Sitcking-in-INV/page2

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kingdom of Amalur: How Many Factions?

Apparently there are six, listed here, with background lore.  Follow the links for full information.

You may only see five factions listed in places such as this guide.  That is because House of Valor is a download available free to purchasers of the new game only.

Purchasers of used versions of the game may purchase the download.

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Kingdom of Amalur: Leveling Skills

A list of the various skills and what you get with each new level.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Kingdom of Amalur: Finding Crudok

They aren't easy to find, particularly when the inarticulate are pointing the way.

Please note that the Crudok near the Widow's Castle (also known as Castle Yovan) respawns.  The Solo MMO player killed it there earlier before he was hunting Crudok and killed it there twice more after he was hunting them.  After the spawn point between the main castle and battlement wall, run along the battlement wall.  It will pop up from underground if you trigger it by running over the right spot.

Coming out of the Hollowlands at the point of entrance to Menetrye, a Crudock and two spiders will spawn per the Solo MMO Player (Aggressive Brownies is the prior quest given by the same guy.)

The Solo MMO Player found another Crudock which you have to kill during the quest The Brownie Den which is the second par of a two part quest line you get from Sihtric Vorn.

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Kingdom of Amalur: Lorestones

All about Lorestones, including locations on fairly detailed maps.

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Kingdom of Amalur: Achievements Lists

Achievements seem to vary slightly according to what you play the game on.  These seem to be for the PC version of the game.

There are Steam achievements.

Here are the xBox 360 achievements.  I have not found a PS3 achievements list yet.

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Kingdom of Amalur: Removing Curses

How do you remove curses?  The only way is to go to a healer.  Purification potions don't seem to remove curses.

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Amalur Theorycrafting


Talent tree breakdowns

Ability calculator (check the Comments for more ideas)

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Kingdom of Amalur Interactive Map

An interactive map with towns, dungeons, landmarks, etc. posted.  This is a fan built map that isn't complete.  It's too early for that.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

The Clock for Kingdom of Amalur

How can you tell how much time has passed in the game?  There is an in-game clock visible when you open your inventory, under the health/fate/mana bars but above your gold count.  It shows days and the hour and whether it is a.m. or p.m.

Can you change the clock?  Doesn't look like it but we're still experimenting.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Kingdom of Amalur: Backpack Vendors

Here is a partial list of places to purchase a backpack to increase your inventory carry capacity.  Make sure you read how this works.

Five locations with names of four vendors (no names for the last location)

Here is a guide to all the backpack vendors, complete with photos and more explicit directions as to where they might be.

Doesn't look like you can craft backpacks, but I'm not certain.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Friday, February 10, 2012

Kingdom of Amalur: Accessories, Armor and Weapons Locations

Lists of locations for the following items:
Accessories (Amulets and Rings)


Guide to Armor Sets, detailing the bonuses, etc.


Note that some items are not where the lists say.  It may be some loot is random or the lists may just be wrong in places.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Kingdom of Amalur: Fencing Stolen Goods

How and were to sell stolen items.  Looks like this is a work-in-progress as there isn't much informatoin.

Here's a video that illustrates the point.

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Kingdom of Amalur Keymapping and Controls for PC Players

Yes, you can change how the movement keys are mapped.

To auto run, you can adjust the run key.  Here's how. (But see the Comment below.  This isn't really "auto run.")

To change the resolution of your screen--

In a related topic, the Field of View (FOV) cannot be changed currently but apparently the developer is working on a patch.  Red Joe Q's comments here.!-(particularly-camera)&p=51245#post51245

There is a tool to remap your controls. Note that there is one download for the demo and another for the full game and make sure you read the comments for more information.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Kingdom of Amalur Trainer Locations

A partial list.

Another larger list that also includes backpack vendor locations.

Another list with several advanced level trainers

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Kingdom of Amalur Crafting Guides

Guide to Sagecrafting, with gem crafting and recipes.

Guide to Alchemy, with potion recipes and reagents.

Guide to Blacksmithing

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kingdom of Amalur Inventory System, Carry Weight, Storage Boxes, Houses

There's a bit of information on how things stack in your inventory in the link below.  Note some vendors sell backpacks that allow you to carry more items. Apparently you can find them in most of the cities early in the game (but there is an article with a list of backpack vendors). I've previously posted about quests that give you a house for storage as a quest reward.

It is possible that once you have a house as the result of a quest and buy upgrades to the house, some increased inventory space is part of the upgrade to the house.  I have no idea how/if this works, though.  Here is a bit about the A Tangled Web side mission that unlocks a residence in Canneroc called Gossamar End, which is in Webwood somewhere. read both links.  See the article here called How To Buy A House for more detailed information.  Basically, you either get the key off the body of Barten or get it from him when you return to the town with him.  Then buy the upgrades from the blacksmith Billus Aldeth (spelling?).

To put things in your new chest (there just seems to be one and the spider that is supposed to be in the house doesn't seem to be there, just webs), use the letter R to select items, then left click with the mouse button to put things in your chest one by one.  There is a limit to the number of items that will fit.  If you are wearing something, you have to remove it before putting it in the chest.  Things are not organized when in the storage chest apparently.  They don't seem to be organized alphabetically or by type anyway.

UPDATE:  Backpacks can be purchased several places to increase your carry capacity.  Here is a partial list.  Note the explanation of how they work.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Can You Buy a House in Amalur?

Can you have a house in Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning? The answer seems to be you can get them as quest rewards.  Details here.

Here are four more houses, some as quest rewards and others apparently you just show up.

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Redeeming the Kingdom of Amalur DLC

To redeem your DLC codes for in-game content, go to the xBox Live Marketplace or PS3 Network if you are playing a console version of the game.  If you are playing the PC version, check for a URL listed with your code.  Goto that site to redeem the code.  Once it is redeemed for the PC, it may appear in either your Origins Game Library or be accessed within the game itself, depending on the game.  For Kingdom of Amalur, the DLC is accessed within the game.  You go to the site and enter the codes and nothing happens, but when you go into the game the Downloadable Content (DLC) items are in the special treasure chest.

It may be obvious to you, but it wasn't to me.  By the way, here is what is in the DLC.

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