Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cataclysm Talent Calculator (Beta)

Blessing of Fish reports that Blizzard has set up a fully functional Cataclysm talent calculator.  He also summarizes what is known about how talents will work here.  Thanks, Zal!

Here's the link that goes directly to the Cataclysm talent calculator.

Remember, this is the beta version.  Things are still in flux and who knows how this will work once the next expansion is released....

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Activision Places $100 Million Bet UPDATED

The Wall Street Journal reports that Activision has spent over $100 million developing Starcraft II per Kotaku, but Kotick expects they will make 5-10 times that much on the game.

The WSJ online article is subscription only (and a very hefty subscription, too!) but here is a similar article by the same author that doesn't mention development costs.

Starcraft II comes out July 27.

UPDATE:  Activision is now saying the $100 million number refers to what they spend developing and maintaining World of Warcraft.

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