Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Druid Solos Kael'thas Sunstrider

Vallen is a feral druid who enjoys collecting unusual gear for his cat. The article covers how any feral druid (bear or cat) can take down this boss solo.  (I thought Kael'thas Sunstrider is the last boss in the Eye in Tempest Keep instance but Soredewa points out this is Magister’s Terrace, a 5-man Heroic.  Thanks for the correction, Soredewa!)

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The Addons Rant

We Fly Spitfires hates addons.  Here's why.

I have to admit I'm sympathetic.  All those addons are hard to manage every time there's an update to the game, and those buttons are always blocking one's view of the action.  It would be nice if the  UI that came with the basic game was all you needed.  But that's not the case.  I should have titled this Addons:  The Necessary Evil.

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