Sunday, September 22, 2019

WOW Classic: Your Own Pet Chicken

In WOW Classic you can get a pet chicken by buying special chicken feed from Farmer Saldean in Westfall.  Feed it to one of the chickens running around in the field near him and it will become your chicken companion.

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WOW Classic: Learn to Kite

The Solo MMO has noticed that the current crop of players in WOW Classic don't have even the basic skills or know any of the tricks that players learned and shared in the original game years ago.  Kiting is an excellent example.  What is kiting?  It's drawing the enemy towards you into a more advantageous setting for you to take the enemy down.  Various classes use kiting in different ways as this discussion makes clear.  (Sorry, but the Warcraft Hunters Union website appears to be gone now.)

Some enemies will follow you for a very long distance.  Kite them, then dash as fast as you can to a road.  Roads are generally safe spaces where enemies won't follow you.

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