Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Elder Scrolls Blades "Store Unavailable" Issue UPDATED

I've started getting a new error message when I try to access the Elder Scrolls Blades store from the main menu to pick up the daily free gift.  The message reads:

Store Unavailable
Please verify that you are connected with an Apple account.

This just started right after Christmas 2021.  Sometimes clicking the OK button under the message and then trying to access the store again works.  Sometimes it doesn't.  When it doesn't, try clicking on Town and then access the Store from your character menu.  So far that works every time for me but I've also had it appear when I'm in the game, but trying again usually works.

I suspect this is connected to Apple's Game Center in some way but I don't want to try and access my Apple account just because a game tells me to.  I also don't want Apple's Game Center to bug me to log in constantly either.  Took me eons to get that notice turned off.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Elder Scrolls Online Repair Option Location

To find the repair option in Elder Scrolls Online if you access the game through Steam, you have to launch the game window, then look in the Game Options section.  Under Game Options you will find News.  Click on News and you'll find other options, including Repair.  Click on Repair and wait.  

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Friday, November 5, 2021

Elder Scrolls Online Combat Music Options in Deadlands Update 32

If you find the game music distracting, good news.  

Bethesda says, 
"We’ve added a new Combat Music dropdown in the Settings menu under Audio. You will now be able to decide if you want to hear all combat music, only boss combat music, or no combat music at all."

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Friday, September 24, 2021

Elder Scrolls Blades Fix for Error Message 0-10001-1

After updating to iOS 15, I got error message 0-10001-1 when trying to open Elder Scrolls Blades.  
The error message screen is above.

I waited and tried again.  This time I got another error message (above) telling me to either retry logging in or to continue on and set up a new character.  Retrying did nothing, so I set up a new character.  You'll have to accept the game conditions again and go through the brief movement tutorial, then choose a name and attributes for a new character.  At the end you have the ability to log into Bethesda again with your old character name/login, so do so.  (DON'T skip logging into Bethesda or you won't be offered the choice of either character, which you need to retrieve your old character.). Once you do that, Bethesda will tell you to pick either the brand new character or your old one.  Pick the old one and you are set.

Note that some folks on Reddit say that powering down their device and then powering it on again and attempting login to Elder Scrolls Blades fixed their issue.  This didn't work for me.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Character Animations for Elder Scrolls Online

Elder Scrolls Online has character commands that allow your character to express what are called emotes.  You activate these through slash commands on the PC although some of these are available only through Crown Store or game purchases and some are quest rewards.  On PS4 and XboxOne, you use the emotes by entering the chat window or by slotting them via the quickslot window. 

The Idle Animations addon for Elder Scrolls Online can also animate your character in various ways during downtime.  The second link below shows how it works.  Basically you choose a profile from a drop down menu.  Depending on the personality you choose, your character will do certain actions, complete with sound effects, when the character is idle.  You can set how long before your character starts an animation and how long it lasts, etc.  You also can set Event Animations so your character does an animation when you level up, get a champion point, etc.  The addon can be turned on or off, so if you don't want it active, you don't have to delete it entirely.


Here are the thief animations in Idle Animations.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Thursday, August 19, 2021

My Companion Talks Too Much (Elder Scrolls Online)

Is your companion in Elder Scrolls Online driving you crazy with the jokes and repeated comments?

You can't turn off comments entirely, but you can reduce (or increase) their frequency.   To adjust the vocalizations, go into the game settings menu, choose General Gameplay, then look for Companion Reactions.  You can change them from Normal (which apparently is the default) to Frequent or Infrequent.  It doesn't appear they can be turned off entirely.  By the way, this has to be done separately for each character if you have more than one.

The Elder Scrolls Online site has this information and more about companions, but they don't mention they function very well as tanks if you load them up with gear.  Apparently they can wear a lot of gear.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

A Beginner's Guide to Role Play in Elder Scrolls Online

Stumbled across this guide to Elder Scrolls geared toward beginners and role play.  it appears to be detailed and useful for those dipping a toe into role play.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com