Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Addons Galore for Warlocks and Gold UPDATED

This week the Blog-o-Sphere decided to post about addons for various classes or specific tasks.  Below are the best postings (there are others that were repetitive or not that helpful I haven't mentioned) for you to browse.

The Greedy Goblin writes about an addon called Tooltip Wealth that allows you to see what cash a character has in the bank.

If you are a warlock, you'll want to read about the addons Velif finds helpful such as DoTimer, ForteXorcist, and TellMeWhen.

UPDATE:  Aaron recommends MoneyFu for tracking cash (with some reservations, read the Comment) and Veliaf has updated his warlock blog with these.

UPDATE #2:  Veliaf has added information about the UI he uses to play his warlock.

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Discipline Priest Stats Discussion

If you are a new disc priest, this discussion of stats and how your class should apply them might be useful.

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