Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Uldaman Issues Cropping Up in Dungeon Finder

The Hunters Mark explains exactly how Uldaman should work for the Looking for Group crowd.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Frost Death Knight Specs in Patch 3.3

From stats through glyphs to rotations.

A bit about Icy Talons, a buff of interest to frost death knights.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

The Art of Being a Pallywhacker

The Solo MMO Player Speaks

The Solo MMO Player explained to me how to take advantage of bubble spells to kill paladins in PVP or Battlegrounds if you are a caster.  Kite them to get their health down a bit.  When the pally uses a bubble to heal, The Solo MMO Player smiles to himself and immediately stops attacking, re-shields, and restores his own health.

Do NOT beat on the bubble!  Stay out of any other line of fire and move a little closer to the pally so you can watch his bubble.   Now is the time to make any obscene gestures if you are so motivated.  The key is the pally loves it when you beat ineffectively on their bubble shield.  Don't fall into this trap.

Instead, the second the paladin's bubble disappears, the Solo MMO Player hits the pally with his biggest one-shot instant cast.  He resumes his rotation, and puts up any casting counter spells he has to suppress the pally's return fire, and continues to kite.  The pally will be at a 25-30% health loss differential and you will win if you throw the kitchen sink at the pally.  The bubbles have a cooldown period, so take advantage of this to kill the pally before they can re-bubble.  The paladin won't recover from the big one-shot damage you hit them with in the beginning, giving you the win.

The Solo MMO Player was taught this by a pally-killer female priest who could kill retribution paladins quicker than swatting flies.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at