Monday, January 18, 2010

Player Evaluation Tools: Elitist Group

If you absolutely must evaluate players and don't want to use GearScore, Matticus has an article up about Elitist Group on his No Stock UI site.  It looks at gear, gems, enchants, specs and completed instances and their achievements.  It also keeps track of which players one has raided with before.

Note that there are problems with it, as there are with all evaluation tools.  For instance, any player who has been kicked out of the dungeon finder after the boss has been taken down by a greedy raid leader who wants to keep all the good gear for himself (you know who you are) won't get credit for the raid.*

*Actually, Blizzard should fix this problem.  There is no reason anyone should be kicked from a dungeon finder group after the boss has been killed except greed on the part of the raid leader.  If no one can be tossed out after the boss goes down, the problem is fixed.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

How to Gem and Enchant That Hunter

OutDPS has a guide from September 2009 on how to gem and enchant your hunter, regardless of your individual spec.  There's a link to his DPS analyzer, too.  This is pre-Patch 3.3 but it still may be very useful for you.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Pet Lag And a Fix (Hunters)

Apparently pets are not auto-casting as they should.  One of the writers at OutDPS has posted a macro that should fix the issue, although s/he plans to test it later, just to make sure it works.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Retribution Paladins in Patch 3.3

Introduction to the retribution paladin


Specs, glyphs, abilities, gear, gems and enchantments for the retribution pally in Patch 3.3

Gear list (PvE only)


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