Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tanks and Healers in Raids (and Hunters, too)

Obviously today's the day someone turned on the tank/healer neon sign because all over the Blog-o-sphere folks are talking about types of tanks and healers and what their main jobs are.  Big Bear Butt has a very definite idea of what a tank does.

Here's a reply to his article, focused on what makes a good raiding hunter.

Anna sees different types of healers and tanks as she raids.  Here is her humorous definition of tanks, and

here is how she sees healers.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Theorycrafting Glyph of Kill Shot (Hunters)

Want to do some math this morning?  Frostheilm walks us through an examination of Glyph of Kill Shot.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Arena History: The Ranking Systems UPDATED

WOW Insider has an article for history buffs about the Elo ranking system for Arena, used during the Burning Crusade expansion.

They promise a follow-up article on the current system and its benefits.  And here it is!
UPDATE:  Personal ratings replace Elo.

An article about how Wrath of the Lich King changes and the introduction of death knights changed Arena is coming next week.  And here it is!

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Google Search and Flash Security Problems UPDATED

Blizzard alerts players to a Google search result that leads to a malware site masquerading as Curse.com and a security issue with Adobe's Flash player.  I'm still waiting for Blizzard to improve their own security by changing from an email address login to something safer. Of course now it is too late as spammers and hackers have the WOW email address logins and are using them to send out gold seller spam and phishing emails.

UPDATE:  Thanks to Pwnwear, I have a link to a blog that talks a bit about the Adobe Flash security issue and has a link to the download page for an update to plug the hole.  This is a good site to bookmark as it talks about security issues in WOW.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Jamie Lee Curtis Loves WOW

The excerpt is from a Video Games Live concert to air on PBS this summer.  Remember, she's an actress, a good actress.  She's paid to be convincing.

Thanks to Kotaku for pointing this out and for providing the stripper scene from True Lies.

Here's a bit about the PBS special itself with a trailer.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com