Monday, November 16, 2009

Thoughts on WOW Challenges

Spinksville has written an essay about challenges in WOW, how players research instances before they run them, and rate themselves "good players" if they have great reflexes, not if they run instances with less-than-perfect gear.

The Solo MMO Player has been wondering why more folks don't run instances blind, or at least come up with new strategies than the ones that have worked in the past.  If you look at the game this way, there are many many things still to do, no matter how long you have played.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guide to Leveling a Healer Druid (Solo)

Restokin has a guest posting by a solo healing druid who realized there isn't a lot of help for druid healers who are not Level 80 yet.  So he's written one with eight tips and a rotation.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Dedicated WOW Search Engine in Beta

WOW Insider reports the dedicated WOW search engine called Mrgl-Mrgl (named after a murloc NPC) is now in beta form.

The search engine is currently down but here's the URL.  WOW Insider thinks it looks at WOW forums, news sites, and YouTube videos only.  Of course by the time it is out of beta, it may be totally different and more targeted at WOW in its searches than Google and Bing.

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