Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rift: Artifact Sets

The artifacts you pick up here and there can be turned into the Artifact Collector (in Meridan and Sanctum).  In return you get Lucky Coins that can be used to buy vanity pets and mounts, and achievements, and various caches.  The caches are random and include gold, potions, and epic weapons and gear.  They are also tiered according to the zone the artifacts were collected in.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Rift TV has created a series of Rift videos about various aspects of play.  There are two pages of everything from general introductory videos and gameplay to character creation and dungeon guides located here.  It's worth a browse to see if there is anything of interest to you but remember that these were made from the various betas.  There may have been changes for the retail releases of the game.

Here is a good introduction video on how to use the UI and maps, etc.▶-rift-guide-sanctum-city-maps-surprises-tgn-tv/

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Rift: Zones and Their Levels and Factions

Here is a list of major areas (zones) of the game, with the level range and the faction that controls the area.  This seems to be based on the beta so it may not be totally correct and some faction information is lacking. Note that cities and areas within the zones are listed later down on the page.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at