Friday, September 18, 2009

What is the Proper Ratio of Tanks to Other Classes in Raiding?

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

The 969 Pally Tank Rotation Viewed Differently

Crofe has just discovered another way of thinking about the 969 rotation for paladins who tank that makes more sense as a macro to him.  Here is how he breaks it down:

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Pirate Day in WOW on Saturday, Sept. 19

Tomorrow's Talk Like A Pirate Day and Blizzard will celebrate in Booty Bay.  Here are the details of the events and where to get your costume (or places to avoid if you don't plan to participate).  Note the Pirate Speak addon information if you want to be especially annoying really get into the spirit of the holiday.

Warning:  Druids lose their pirate outfit buff if they change form.  A video here.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Block Values for Tanks

A thorough discussion.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Tanking UIs for Death Knights

No Stock UI starts a four part series on tanking UIs with the death knights.  Since this series is so class-specific, I will treat each new entry in the series as a separate one here in the Solo MMO Player blog instead of updating this article.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Is WOW Caught in a Trade Battle Between China and U.S.?

Maybe.  Maybe not.

I didn't realize the Chinese government didn't allow the sale of game consoles.  I believe all xBox 360s are made in China and many of the original xBoxes were as well (as well as Mexico and Hungary) but I don't know about the PS3 or Wii.  However, I did find information that claims PS3s were made in both Japan and China and that Wiis are made in Japan.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Mages, Macros, and a Tip for Non-Mages

I've finally stumbled across Critical QQ's blog which I've added to the list of favorite sites on the right side of the page because of all the great mage information found here.  Click on the Categories pull down menu on the right of Critical QQ's blog for "guides" which has a lot of useful mage information even for those who aren't doing PvP.  I'm not going to link to much on this great blog except to concentrate on some very recent postings Euripedes has written about macros.  The first link is a Quick Living Bomb macro.  As always, read the comments.

The second link is to an article about using key presses to your advantage whether you are a mage or not.  Bascially, Euripedes explains how to use the fact that pressing a key doesn't cast the spell bound to that key until you lift your finger off the key to your advantage.  The Solo MMO Player doesn't think this is true for all keyboards, though.  It may depend on the system you use to play.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

How to Use Blink as a Raiding Mage

This blogger is a Level 80 PvP mage.  The Contents section is a table of contents.  Use control +F and the code for each section to instantly move down to the explanation of using blink there.  As always, read the comments at the end of the blog posting for more information.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

New Addon for PvE Moonkins

WiseEclipse is a new addon that Maestro feels is essential for moonkin druids as it monitors the time left on your lunar eclipse buff and compares this to the cat time of your next Starfire.  He explains how everything works here and talks about why he thinks using WiseEclipse isn't cheating.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Blizzard Keynote Address at Game Developers' Conference

WOW Insider writes up the highlights and provides an audio file of the opening speech given by Blizzard's EVP and Production Director here.

If you are really interested, Gamasutra has a more focused article using the information from this speech to describe how Blizzard is organized internally.

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