Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mage Crowd Control (Twink Edition)

Fiery Weapons (a blog for twinks) talks about playing a mage, with the emphasis on how crowd control (CC) spells work in PvE and PvP, and how talent points, glyphs and enchants improve CC.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Gear for Warriors in Patch 3.3 (Icecrown Citadel and Level 80s)

Tank Like a Girl lists gear appropriate for a new Level 80 protection warrior in Patch 3.3.

Here's a list of Icecrown Citadel weapons for warriors.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Icecrown Citadel Gear for Retribution Paladins


Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Video Guide to Better (and Faster) Raiding

WOW Insider is doing a retrospective of great articles about the game in 2009, including these two videos about raiding faster.  It is full of good tips for raiders, whether you are a speed demon or not.  (This is from February 2009, so some things may have changed.)

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Rogue Bomb Squad

I didn't know that rogues could see traps and can disarm them when in stealth mode.  Why do you care?  There are traps in the new Icecrown Citadel content of Patch 3.3.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Priest Theorycrafting in Patch 3.3

BobTurkey has written a series of great articles about priests on his blog.  There are to be six articles full of important stats for all types of priests.  I'll update this with links to each entry as they are posted.


Mana Regeneration

Mana Pool

Haste Rating

Critical Rating

LootRank and PAWN Values

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com