Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Whose Side Are You On, Boys? Whose Side Are You On?

The Solo MMO Player was traveling to a shared Alliance/Horde city today, playing as his Tauren druid, when a Level 55 Blood Elf started tagging along.

The Blood Elf made chicken noises, laughed at the Solo MMO's huge cow druid, brushed up against him and farted, etc. during the entire ten minute trip. The Solo MMO Player said and did nothing as befits a stoic bovine druid. He and the taunting Blood Elf arrived in the destination city and an Alliance player promptly shot two arrows at the Blood Elf and killed him.

The Solo MMO Player resurrected the Blood Elf who said, "Oh. I thought you were Alliance. Sorry." Then he skipped off to make chicken noises somewhere else.

Once the Solo MMO Player stopped laughing, I asked him to look up the Level 55 Blood Elf and see if he belongs to a guild. He does. It's fairly small but it does have three Tauren players, including the guild master who is a Tauren druid....

Any wonder longtime players are quitting in droves when mid-level characters can't tell who belongs to their faction? If you hang around, you will kill yourself falling out of your chair laughing.
