Friday, June 18, 2010

Break Out the Earplugs

Have you been watching sports news and seeing clips of the noisy long horns called vuvuselas that the South Africans blow like crazy at the soccer games?  Do you want one in WOW?  Do you have a Death Knight?  Today's your lucky day.  Frost is the New Black explains how to add the racket to your game by replacing the regular sound of a DK's Horn of Winter with the sound of a crazed soccer fan's horn.

For those without ear plugs, using Control S will mute game sound effects.  Pushing Control S again turns them back on.  Control M turns music on/off.  One of these should work, depending on whether the vuvuzela noise is considered music or sound.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Profile of Satrina Buff Frames (Addons)

WOW Insider profiles an addon that allows great customization of your buffs and debuffs as either icons or bars with timers.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

OnLive Gaming Goes Live UPDATED AGAIN

The OnLive cloud gaming service is now live.  Reading the comments after Kotaku's announcement, I see that for the first year that you don't have to pay to use the service but you do have to pay for the games you use on it.  There are complaints that if you drop the service, you lose the games you paid for, so actually this is a rental service where you pay the same price as if you bought physical copies of the game.  Apparently one can't use a Wi Fi connection; you have to be wired to play with a speed of 5 Mbps.  This is not available in England yet.  One commentator thinks this should have been introduced in Asia where fast connections are the norm.  Many of the games available are shooters.

UPDATE:  Eurogamer has posted prices for games available through the service.

UPDATE #2: Sale on OnLive service.

UPDATE #3:  Monthly fees are dropped (October 2010)

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Analysis of Cataclysm Raiding and Guilds

WOW Insider looks at the current plans (and Ghostcrawler's latest comments) for raiding when Cataclysm hits.

Then they look at Ghostcrawler's comments on guild organization in Cat.

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