Friday, August 20, 2010

Tips on Setting Up Your UI

Thanks to the Melting Pot, I have a very good article on how to set up your UI from Woodsoar.  It starts out recommending several bar addons, then showing you how to make choices when you set them up (based on Dominos) and goes all the way to how to make your buttons prettier once you have them set up.  Useful article.

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Matticus Talks Raid Healing

Matt "everyone calls me Matticus" Low is a healer who writes about healing.  If you are interested in learning how to use Rebirth to resurrect a dead player during a raid, go here to read all about the spell and things you need to keep in mind when you use it.  Note that this is a guest posting on a druid site, so it is written from a druid perspective.

Matt's next article is for WOW Insider and it explains the tactics behind not healing someone in a raid.  Commonsense stuff, but since commonsense seems really lacking in raiding, it's worth a read.

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