Tuesday, November 17, 2009

BBB's Looking for Group Adventure

Big Bear Butt Blogger has done a faction change and is now a Blood Elf Paladin instead of a Dwarf Paladin.  So what does he do?  He goes Looking for Group (LFG).  What happens next may foretell what the new LFG across realm experience will be like.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Gold, Leveling and Drama

You may not have noticed this week's heavy drama playing out over several prominent blogs about guides to making gold and for leveling.  Honor's Code summarizes the issues well here.  It's a good read if you are sitting around waiting for Guildwatch's next episode.  It also brings up some questions about ethics.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

RAWR Interview: DK Tanks Lead Developer

Here's an interview with the contributing developer for Death Knight tank information at RAWR.  He talks about what RAWR does poorly for DKs and what it does well.  Shazear also talks about what he'd like to do in the future.  If you have a DK and use RAWR, you'll want to read this.

Not everyone thinks the RAWR simulations provide good in-game data since the numbers used are squishy.  Such sims also seem to feed the Great Gear Myth, but as long as you know what you are getting, this can be a useful tool.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

Effective Health Formula (Tanks and Tenacity Pets)

Big Red Rhino has posted an article about the Effective Health formula, used by tanks to choose gear.  He uses this formula to calculate how much damage his tenacity pet can take.  To quote the Rhino himself-- "Simply put, it’s a mathematical calculation of HP and armor that calculates how much raw damage the tank can take before dying."

Tanks and tenacity pet owners alike may be interested in this.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com