Monday, August 16, 2010

Raiding Old Instances (Mostly Spoiler Free)

Hugh at the Pot describes his guild's experiences running old content cold in ten-mans.  He is having a blast and the experience has inspired him to write a list of things you absolutely need to know that doesn't reveal so much that there is no fun challenge.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

From Holy to Discipline Priest

Darth Solo talks about his specs and glyphs as a discipline priest (Level 75) and how much easier he finds healing now that he has abandoned his holy priest spec.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Hunter Blog (ICC Mana and Crowd Control)

Euripides at OutDPS just mentioned a new hunter blog that already has great information up.  It's called The Hunter's Arsenal.  Eurip likes the ICC regeneration guide,

while I preferred the article on why crowd control is a lost art in raiding.

Whichever way you lean, thanks, Rip!

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Paladin Fashion Parade

Puggin' Pally ran a paladin fashion contest on his/her blog recently.  Here are the winners. Many thanks to Karina (aka Second Place!) for mentioning this so all pally fashion plates can admire the winners.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at