Saturday, August 26, 2023

Are There Mud Crabs in Elder Scrolls Online?

Watching the Solo MMO Player farm in Elder Scrolls Online, I started to wonder if mud crabs were still in the game.  They were quite annoying in Oblivion but apparently they've been dialed back.  However, this brings forth another question:  Why don't you get crab meat from mud crabs?

One clever boy points out you don't get crab in grocery store crab meat.  

Now the real question becomes, why do you find pickles in wardrobe closets?

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Friday, August 25, 2023

The Best Builds for Elder Scrolls Online

ESO fans are always looking for advice on the best builds.  The Solo MMO Player prefers Deltais Gaming as he likes the detail and the feel that Deltais understands the details.  If you are an old WOW player looking for expert advice, Deltais harks back to the thorough advice that old WOW players used to share.

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