Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Most Creative Guild Application Ever

This has my vote for [insert title].  Many thanks to Jong at the Forbearance blog for pointing this out.

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BBB's Lower Level Bear Tank Guide

Big Bear Butt has started a bear tanking guide for lower levels.  Here is the first part.  I would encourage all bear tanks to read this as BBB knows a great deal about feral druid tanking and gives great tips.

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Learn Healing and Pally Tanking UPDATED

The Blog-o-Sphere is all about how to heal and tank this week.  Big Bear Butt talks about paladin tanks and their mana (or lack thereof), and how they differ from other tank classes;

and Matticus talks about the healing lessons he learned from one quest when he was a wee little priesty.  The article is actually asking Blizzard to introduce class specific quests again but it tells you a lot of things a healer wants to watch for.

UPDATE:  The difference between tank healing and single target healing.  Miss Medicina discusses various healing classes and how they handle these two roles.

Their information will help you play these roles a bit better and isn't the Solo MMO Player all about gathering these tips?

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