Thursday, January 14, 2010

RankWatch (Addons)

Interested in seeing if you or anyone else has the maximum spells available?  This addon is for you!  Note that the latest spell may not be the best spell, or may not be available to the player you are checking out.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Podcast: Interview with GearScore

I almost never mention podcasts here since they rarely have solid information for players, but this one I can't resist.  It's an interview with the creator of GearScore.  I haven't listened to it so I do not know how professional the podcast is. Some are quite sophomoric.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guildwatch: The End

You may have been wondering what happened to Guildwatch since I haven't done a posting about the Guildwatch column since 16 December.  That's because the author, Mike Schramm, has left WOW Insider to work at Joystiq.  WOW Insider has started a replacement column called The Classifieds.  It isn't going to discuss the drama we all loved, however.  It just lists guilds recruiting (not on the Solo MMO Player's realm naturally), guild milestones, and rankings of guilds in various areas, plus a few mentions of players that stepped up and made a dungeon five man work.

Boring.  I MISS YOU, MIKE!

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Healers, Tanks and Focus UPDATED

WOW Insider discusses the use of focus by tanks.  There's a definition, addons, list of focus commands and examples of how to use this skill.

Here's an article about how healers and tanks should work together.

UPDATE:  A healer's guide to how tanks work.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Singing, Dancing--and Backstabbing

Well made machinima in praise of a rogue in a long black dress.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at