Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Want to learn how folks play multiple accounts? Not just multiple characters, multiple WOW accounts. Cold Comfort lays out how he plays here, from the hardware (including the Logitech G13 game pad) to the macros and key bindings he uses to play.

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Cold Comfort Really Hates PUGs (Addons)

The Cold Comfort blog has a fun article up about various situations the writer runs into while raiding. I imagine most players will recognize the players he writes about, but many folks may not know about the "Do I Know You" addon he uses to avoid folks who have proved themselves a pain. Information about it is in the last paragraph.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Intro to Cat Form Abilities (Druids)

Lissanna lists all the cat form abilities (Pounce, Cower, Ferocious Bite, etc.) a druid will see as s/he levels.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Guildwatch Wednesday (Please Shut Up Edition)

Once again Wednesday has rolled around, and Guildwatch has appeared on my monitor, full of the delights of WOW drama, tantrums, breakups and of course, theft. As always, lots of instances are being downed and many guilds are recruiting but not on the Solo MMO Player's realm.

In the theft department, two members of On the Drop decided at 1 a.m. one morning their guild wasn't progressing in raiding fast enough, so they disbanded the guild and took 16,000 gold and over 200 Abyss Crystals with them when they turned out the lights. How a guild that isn't progressing in raiding ended up with more than 200 Abyss Crystals from the highest level new content and that much gold is a question the Guildwatch columnist can't answer.

Evil Avatar's leaders decided they should turn into a 10 man guild, so they tossed out everyone without notice except for 10 lucky (?) people, some of whom had no idea what was going on, and as a reward for their labors in remaking the guild, kept all the contents of the original guild bank (that came from the ten chosen as well as those tossed out on their ear) for themselves.

The WOW cynic Cold Comfort's blog outlines how they tried to fairly distribute loot when a guild he belonged to broke up, in case there are any rational and honest guilds out there. I'm just saying this might come in hand someday somewhere. I hope.

In other guild drama, I'm going to quote Mike Schramm here as there's no way to top what he said. Click on the purple text to go to the hyperlinks Mike mentions.

"'I had seen my position on this server for a long time. Without a doubt or uncertainty on my mind, I knew I was one of the top 3 Tanks on this server if not the one.' When it starts out with a bragging egomaniac like that complaining that he can't find a guild on the server (and is so frustrated he's going to transfer), you know this thread is going to be good. Make sure you stick with it, too, and you'll be rewarded with gems like this: 'For me getting in a guild is as easy as 1 2 3 regardless of whether they're an amazing top guild or low, hell i don't even need to apply on a forum as cocky as that sounds but it's true.' Really? 'Easy as 1 2 3'? Then why are you begging to be invited to a guild on the realm forums again?"

I can answer that question, Mike. Egomania rules!

However, the top item of the week is this YouTube complaint from someone who thinks he is entitled to a ring from a loot drop. "I've been doing Naxx since the week Wrath came out...." I've seen long-time girlfriends less interested in a ring than this guy!

"Please shut up." And wash that kid's mouth out with soap.

See you next Guildwatch Wednesday.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Razer Announces New MMO Mouse UPDATED

Razer has revealed a new mouse at the Gamecom game convention in Germany this week. It's called the Naga and has twelve buttons to be used by your thumb. The photo and links to more information are on WOW Insider. They are also releasing a new mouse pad.

CNET has a better photo that shows the side buttons better. Note this is a PC mouse and is wired.

Razer makes great mice.

UPDATE: WOW Insider tried out the mouse at BlizzCon. Here's what they had to say about it.

UPDATE #2:  WOW Insider does a second review after playing with the Naga mouse for a while.

UPDATE #3:  Razer has added the promised key mapping functions to the Naga software.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

People is Weird, You Don't Have the Best Gear Edition

It looks like the "you can't raid because you don't have the best gear" fad has hit Naissa's server.

The Solo MMO Player has found often folks don't know how to use the fancy stuff and very often it isn't as good as what he currently has. The moral of the story, my children, is don't judge a player by their gear. What matters is how they use it.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

Warrior Tank Specs Post-Call of the Crusade

TankingTips has posted the specs for his warrior tank updated to Patch 3.2. As always I don't know how close to perfection this spec is, but it is here for the warrior tanks to consider.
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Champion Online Beta Review (it's a Console Game Really)

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