Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Addons Galore for Warlocks and Gold UPDATED

This week the Blog-o-Sphere decided to post about addons for various classes or specific tasks.  Below are the best postings (there are others that were repetitive or not that helpful I haven't mentioned) for you to browse.

The Greedy Goblin writes about an addon called Tooltip Wealth that allows you to see what cash a character has in the bank.

If you are a warlock, you'll want to read about the addons Velif finds helpful such as DoTimer, ForteXorcist, and TellMeWhen.

UPDATE:  Aaron recommends MoneyFu for tracking cash (with some reservations, read the Comment) and Veliaf has updated his warlock blog with these.

UPDATE #2:  Veliaf has added information about the UI he uses to play his warlock.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at


Aaron said...

I'd also recommend MoneyFu for keeping track of your income and expenses. The only downside (last I checked, which I admit was a few months ago) was that it didn't deal well with guild banks, so every deposit you make to the guild bank is seen as an expenditure. If you're in a big guild and not the treasurer, this is fine. But for small guilds and people who run guild banks, this is not as ideal. Still, a great mod that tracks income and expenses across all of your alts per-server/faction.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Thanks, Aaron. Tracking the gold can be very useful so we'll add MoneyFu to the list.