Sunday, August 26, 2012

How the Mighty Have Fallen (Revisiting WOW)

The Solo MMO Player is messing around with the "battle chest" version of World of Warcraft, just killing some time by revisiting WOW after almost two years away from the game.  He is shocked at the change in the game.  He's playing in a PVP realm and just got asked by another player if he needs help taking the blimp from one point to another.  He's  used to being ganked while waiting on the platform for the zeppelin....

As a level 1-2, he was besieged with Join My Guild requests.  Exactly who is eager to have a level one player in their guild?

The chat line has no swearing, no racial or sexist or homophobic slurs, no constant references to anal and oral sex.  Stunning.

The way to Orgrimmar used to be an open plain. Now it looks like strip malls have been set up.
The towns are crowded with junk.  It looks like an interior decorator was hired to do a 24 hour makeover to what used to be our favorite game location.  It didn't turn out well.

The NPCs are programmed now to make snotty comments.

Farming has been made much more difficult on PVP servers as the zones are so chopped up.  This isn't surprising as Blizzard never paid a lot of attention to crafting.

The Auction House has very common low level items available for huge prices.  There must not be much farming going on.

Blizzard claims 10.2 million players, down from a peak of 12 million.  We've always been suspicious of the numbers since they are unverifiable.  It's hard to believe that the loss of two million players would have such an impact on player behavior as the Solo MMO Player sees in the game today compared to when he last played in November 2010.

Some things never change, however.  People are still arguing about Chuck Norris.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

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