Wednesday, November 27, 2019

WOW Classic: Why Mana Isn't Regenerating

The Solo MMO Player is getting lots of folks asking him why their mana isn't regenerating in PvP.  This is due to the five second rule (often abbreviated 5SR).  This is the most concise explanation I've found.

Basically, if you cast a spell (or things like hunter shots) that uses mana, you will lose the mana the spell cost and none will regenerate for five seconds.  If you cast two spells that use mana in a row, you will lose the mana for both and the timer that started to count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 after the first spell was cast will be reset to 1 again when you cast the second spell.  This delays the building back up of your mana.

You need to figure out how to space the mana-eating spells so that you don't delay the return of mana unnecessarily.  This article has some tips to help you.  Read the Comments for more help and clarification.  This article is from 2007 so it likely will be helpful for Classic WOW players.

If you are interested, there is an add-on to help you track mana. It is called Five Second Rule.  The Solo MMO Player does not use this so I don't know how well it works.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

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