Friday, March 19, 2010

More Addons (Raiding, Healing, Etc.)

There were lots of addon reviews and explanations this week.  I'll summarize them all here.

First up, a guide to setting up Grid for raiders.

Useful addons for healers are mentioned here, including Grid, SmartDeBuff, Pitbull, Bartender4, SexyMap, Recount, Prat, BTex, Monkey Clock, Monkey Quest, Buffalo 3 and various Fubar addons.  Some of these aren't directly for healing but the writer uses them.  This is not an in-depth review but a list of the addons that this healer finds useful.  It'll give you names to research if anything looks useful to you.

If you are always tinkering with your UI, you might find Mystic Chicanery's State of the UI series interesting.  Note the links at the bottom of the page--this player does a State of the UI periodically.

An article about the paladin buff tracker called CLCBPT that explains how it works (the writer is a holy paladin).

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