Thursday, October 3, 2019

WOW Classic Guild Names, Recruiting and Interesting Behaviors

The Solo MMO Player is finding the new guild names, ah, interesting.  The favorite this week is Nagging Wives.  We cannot wait to hear what happens when the spouse finds out the name of hubby's guild.

However, we think this might be the perfect gift to soothe the spouses in the Nagging Wives guild.  Wonder if there is a discount for bulk purchases?

Guild recruitment pitches are nearly as good as guild names.  Today we heard of a guild looking for old vanilla WOW players.  They say that they are a casual raiding guild that gets drunk, raids, and cannot remember the raid the next day.  Translation:  We need an experienced babysitter who can run the raid for us while we down multiple brews in quick succession.  Don't expect a stampede of older players, folks.  Adults have better things to do with their time.

Player behavior continues to baffle the Solo MMO Player.  Tonight he had someone steal a drop out from under him, then ask where he was going to raid next.  He also heard someone complain loudly,  "They keep killing me!"  This was on a PvP server.   PvP doesn't stand for Pepperoni Vegetable Pizza in WOW, folks.

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