Monday, October 7, 2019

Druids and Experience in Classic WOW

The quickest way to level your druid in Classic WOW is to find and kill mobs that are all your level. 

If you kill something that is a lesser level than you, you get less experience than usual, which makes sense.  Oddly, the same thing happens if you kill something of a higher level than you-still less experience than usual!

If you kill a mob that is lower level than you, still less experience.  If you kill a mob that's all higher level, still less experience.

The best way to proceed if you are a druid according to the Solo MMO Player is to find a mob with everyone the same level as you.  This isn't easy as mobs generally are a mix of levels, but it's worth thinking about as you run from Point A to Point B in Classic WOW….

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