Friday, August 30, 2019

WOW Classic: Choosing Characters and Addons

If you are playing Classic World of Warcraft this week, roll a caster.  Melee players will have trouble with some quests.   Hunters will start out great but then begin having trouble as they level.  The original game didn't balance characters well, so some are weak and some are strong.  Word to the wise from the Solo MMO Player….

For help, Warcraft Tavern has a lot of class-specific material.  No idea how good it is.  The Solo MMO Player is relying on his memory of playing the classic version of the game.

This forum has help for new players.  Again, no idea how helpful it will be for Classic WOW.

Hunters have to level their pets and level their weapons.  Just because your pet has an ability, doesn't mean you can use it.  You have to train the pet to do these things.  Pet trainers are next to the hunter trainers but not every town has a pet trainer.

When it comes to addons, Bartender doesn't work very well.  Never has.  Probably never will.  (The Solo MMO Player says you have to be drunk to even attempt to get it up and running.)  Dominos is much simpler to use.  Dominos Classic is specific for the Classic version of WOW.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

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