Monday, August 23, 2010

Cataclysm: Leveling Down and The Sightseer Report

Apparently Cataclysm will allow players to temporarily lower their level to run instances.  Here are the facts as they have been pulled from an article in The Escapist.

"Cataclysm may also eventually include a system that allows players to scale down their character's level in order to help newer players. The heirloom items unveiled in Wrath of the Lich King already scale with a character's level, so adjusting them to suit a downgraded character is already part of the design. Cataclysm will go one step further and replace individually purchased spell ranks with a scaleable system that allows a single ability to grow along with a character. Scaling down levels probably won't be possible when Cataclysm is released, but it's a feature that will be coming eventually and should help players of differing levels adventure together more easily."

Thanks to the Pink Pigtail In for publicizing the article.

Here's Tobold's reaction to how "downleveling" will work.

By the way WOW Threads has been doing some Cataclysm sightseeing and writes about it here.  There are plenty of photos and spoilers.  However, handsome is as handsome does, so no matter how great the screenshots are, how the game plays is the important thing.

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