Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Get That Authenticator NOW

The Solo MMO Player's account was blocked this week due to "suspicious activity."  After about a 45 minute wait on the telephone, he was able to talk to a Blizzard rep who looked at the account and found no signs of anything suspicious at all and apparently freed up the account while checking things.  Why his account was blocked by Blizzard is unknown.

He believes that all the email addresses used as logins have been compromised as his email address/login --which has never been used for anything else-- is being bombarded by WOW phishing emails.  (He doesn't get any other type of spam there.  I personally have never received WOW spam although I get plenty of other types of spam.  However, I do not play WOW.)

In other words, The Solo MMO Player thinks that Blizzard's list of email addresses used as logins has been stolen and is being passed around by gold sellers, spammers and phishing specialists.  The account rep says the credit card information to pay for WOW accounts is kept in another place.  Perhaps this is safe.

The rep told him that Blizzard would use his former login name when they sent emails to his address, except when they didn't.  So being able to tell a real Blizzard message from the fakes is going to be very hard.  Many of them are exact copies of official Blizzard messages except for the fake links they send the unwary to.

Go get an authenticator now.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

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