Tuesday, September 29, 2009

World Of Logs (Combat Analysis Addon)

World of Logs is a combat log analysis system, similar to Recount, but more elaborate.  Thanks to WOW Insider mentioning a discussion of this addon, I've found postings that talk about World of Logs in depth for those who might want to try it.  Here is the World of Logs (WOL) website.

WOW Kindness (a European guild) posts screenshots of WOL and explains how it works below.  This is dated Sept. 2009 so it's recent information.

Lowered Expectations explains how to interpret the material that WOL generates.

Runeforge Gossip takes this all a step further and explains how to use the WOL data to your advantage.

If WOL doesn't seem exactly what you are looking for, this WOWWiki article talks about the various systems that do combat analysis.  You can follow the links to explore other addons for combat raiding stats.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com


Burrich said...

We have recently launched a new log analysis tool in beta http://www.mmostories.com, it is free and without time or storage limit

Our value is that we store every single data in our database (no only the full logs),
so we can calculate everything (It is a matter of time it takes the server to calculate, some things are really challenging).

Here you have some examples:



We are trying to create a big database where everybody may consult, for example, the avg. hps of druids in thorim in hardmode, or including the time in 5SR, or crit% avg... (we are releasing the comparison tool -as we call it- in some weeks). But honestly we need to have enough data to offer reliable data, and community feedback to refine the tool.

Here you can see another example where you can find some compare examples in the drop down menu called "COMPARE your data with"


Plz, offer your feedback via email, or in the forums
Yeah you will find some bugs, but it's beta ;D

Best Regards

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Thanks, Burrich. I've copied your comment into a posting about your site on Oct. 19 so that everyone can see them.

Anonymous said...

There's a new candidate with some more features than WoL
