Thursday, September 17, 2009

Blizzard Knows About 180,000 Bugs in WOW?

The mind boggles at that large number of bugs.  This information comes from the Game Developers Conference currently underway in Austin, Texas.  WOW Insider promises a transcript of this keynote speech later on but beside mentioning the 180,000 bugs Blizzard is tracking, the speech mentioned that Blizzard has 2500 customer service people worldwide.  However, you should note that the bug list includes bugs that have been fixed, and we don't know that if bugs customers have reported that Blizzard can't find are listed.  The Solo MMO Player thinks this is all the bugs from the earliest builds to date.  He also says that the number of bugs has no relationship to the quality of the software.  Sometimes the best programmers create bugs as they try something no one has tried before.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at


Anonymous said...

Bugs tracked means that they can be already solved.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

So true. This is probably everything, fixed or not, from the earliest days of the original build of WOW.