Wednesday, September 18, 2019

WOW Classic: The Elitist Jerks Live Again UPDATED

Probably the most famous WOW guild back in the good old days was The Elitist Jerks.  And they were just that—plus the most amazing theory-crafters you'd ever see.  Many ended up working for Blizzard later.

Their forum website and all the information therein is gone except for traces in the Wayback Machine.  I found an April 2008 listing of blogs members of the EJ created.  (They aren't traditional blogs but appear to be more discussions and short articles in most cases.)  This is as far back as the Wayback Machine goes for this section of the website.  Change the date slider to explore further.

Probably most of these are dead links but I'm going to see how many still have information available. Just because….

Ok, how about this—Application of Military Leadership to Raid Leadership.  (The Solo MMO Player is going to laugh himself silly over this one.)

Here's the Small Wars Journal's article referenced above, just in case the link breaks.

Again from April 2008, here's the Theorycrafting Think Tank. First link is the intro.

Here's the meat of the section.  Have fun exploring.

UPDATE:  If you are pining over the loss of the Elitist Jerks, then this site below is for you.  Why do I think that?  Let me quote from the home page:  "Increasing class synergy and the prevalence of proc-based combat modifiers have eroded the accuracy of traditional calculators that rely upon closed-form approximations to model very complex mechanics. The goal of this simulator is to close the accuracy gap while maintaining a performance level high enough to calculate relative stat weights to aid gear selection."

You are welcome.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at

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