Monday, September 20, 2010

BlizzCon on DirecTv and Internet Streaming

If you are already a DirecTv customer, you can visit BlizzCon October 22-23 on your television set via Pay Per View.  The cost is $29.95 plus extra charges if you call in the order via the phone or via a live operator on the phone.  You may order this between October 9 and October 22.  Note that if you aren't a DirecTv customer, they will give you BlizzCon Pay For View at no charge to sign up for the service.

Here's the Internet Streaming order information.  The site above says if you sign up for the DirecTv Pay Per View, you automatically get access to the Internet streaming videos.  A few more details here.

Hopefully once October 9 rolls around there will be more details about this service.  Last year information was scarce, especially if you signed up via the DirecTv site. I did find this site which may be where the four channels of streaming videos will happen.  It seems to be where folks who aren't DirecTv customers order just the streaming videos of BlizzCon.

Here are the Live Streaming FAQs, including system requirements.

Here's WOW Head's summary of the above.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at


Peter said...

I used this last year, it's really great. And the fact that you still get the pet is pretty sweet, too :D

I actually get to go there in person this year though, so I'm excited for that. I found a good website with Anaheim lodgings called I def recommend it for those that are still looking for places to stay.

Streaming Services said...

Hello friends,

This is really interesting take on the concept, streaming video is usually sent from pre-recorded video files but can be distributed as part of a live broadcast. Thanks a lot.........

Streaming Services

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

We have no idea if this works well or even at all.