Thursday, July 22, 2010

More Effective Tanking Mechanics

The Solo MMO Player doesn't currently have a tank but has seen a lot of them in action in the dungeon finder.  They are a pretty pitiful lot who have replaced the standard idiot-standing-in-the-pretty-fire ethos with a let's-fall-off-the-cliff-to-our-death mentality.

In other words, tanks need help.  ThinkTank to the rescue!  First up is a forum posting that explains Effective Health, Effective Hit Points, Avoidance, and Time to Live (in ICC as of Patch 3.3.3).  This covers the math of hit points and defines a great many other terms but it will really help tanks understand these topics.

Once you make it through the above, you'll want to read the followup article which explains the advantage armor has over stamina in many situations.  There's more math and more big words but tanking isn't easy!  Dig in and you'll--probably--never fall off a cliff again.

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