Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Goon Squad Attacks (with Video)

WOW Insider reports that the Goon Squad, a Horde guild from Mal'Ganis-US, has defeated Fordring in a victory for the Lich King.  You are probably thinking, wait a minute, aren't we supposed to be killing the Lich King, not his opponent?  You are right.  Goon Squad isn't playing the game as Blizzard intended.  They specialize in trolling, griefing, in bending the game rules, and playing the game with their own backwards logic.  There's a video, too!

WOW Insider calls this emergent gameplay, "that is, taking a strict set of rules and using them to produce results unintended by the rulemakers."  It is rather refreshing to see a guild whose main goal isn't accumulating pretty gear, but playing the game, even if by their own twisted rules.

Copyright Solo MMO Player at http://solommo.blogspot.com

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