Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Guildwatch: The Ninjia Video Edition

This week's Guildwatch features a ninja.  Let me quote Mike Schramm here, "Over on Dath'remar, Tuffauzy of Heavy Artillery put together a pickup group for the big black dragon, and once the dragon was down, he proceeded to go AFK, with no reason at all given. After about 15 minutes, most of the raiders had split and left the group, but four people hung around, waiting for loot to be distributed. We're told Tuffauzy then re-appeared, grabbed all the loot for himself, hearthed to Dalaran, and logged off. Pretty wild. So not only did you take all of the loot, but you made people sit around for 15 minutes before you did it -- why? Because you thought they would leave and you wouldn't lose your reputation? Interesting procedure there."

In honor of ninjas in the new content, here is a slightly raunchy machinima from Nymh.

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