Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Guildwatch: Guilds at the Center of the Universe

It is Wednesday again and Guildwatch is back!  My favorite drama involves the guild Legion Unleashed whose GM just left.  The replacement was kicking out members right and left, complaining about the officers, etc.  It was a mess, enough so that the replacement GM applied to another guild and told them right on the application he planned to ninja his old guild bank.  There's honesty and then there is honesty, I guess.  Not surprisingly, the new guild didn't accept the replacement GM, especially after the forums had his fellow members piling on complaints about him.  Our hero (or villain) has a classic quote in the forums in response:  "these guilds in which this game is revolved around is udder bull*%#*".  He also claims that everyone will fail without him. So guilds are not the center of the universe but he is?  I'd be more impressed if his grammar was better, frankly.

As usual, there is more drama in the link above, where you'll find many guilds downing instances and others recruiting but none of them on the Solo MMO Players' guild.

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