Thursday, August 13, 2009

Guildwatch Wednesday (Breaking Up In Style)

The Behavior Your Mother Would Be Ashamed Of Award goes this week to the GM of Dreamcatchers who went to a party, ranted about his guildmates' pathetic raiding skills for almost 9 profane minutes, then posted the video on YouTube. Not surprisingly, the guild broke up almost immediately.

I'll quote Mike Schramm here (he writes Guildwatch for WOW Insider) about the runner up for this award-- "Jundivyn, GM of Nerfed at Birth on Terenas, was apparently so unhappy that his childhood friend and roomate /gquit the guild that he apparently not only kicked him out of the apartment they shared, but he also allegedly tossed his stuff in the rain. Nice. Lots of other fun stories pop up about Jundivyn in that thread as well, from his child care advice ("your the adault, you can tell him to get in bed and thats what he has to do, no matter how bad he screams thats all he can do realy.") to using another guildie as a bargaining chip to keep a third guildie from leaving the guild (we're not sure how that worked either -- "you stay or I /gkick him"?). What a guild leader."

And what a speller!

Another contestant for this award was the guild leader of Absolution on Dragonblight who became discouraged at the lack of raiding enthusiasm among the membership and quit. How did he qualify for award consideration? He took the guild bank's contents with him when he left.

As always the Guildwatch column has news of raiding and recruiting, none of which is happening on the Solo MMO Player's realm.

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