Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Guild Watch Wednesday (Starring Hitler Again)

Poor Hitler is having trouble with his guild. There's background you need to understand to fully appreciate the video. Last week Guildwatch reported about Enigma and how they didn't like the 25 man progression thread of their guild. Drama ensued, and this parody video was born.

There's drama in guilds Hitler doesn't lead. Aluro has been looking for a guild. He transferred to a new server to join Preeminent, then after raiding with them three times he dumped them saying they were "pretty awful." After the public trashing, other guilds *Surprise!* don't want him, so he starts a guild of his own and poaches other guilds' members but that doesn't work out so he PUGs. Finally he makes it into a new guild and guess what, he's back on the forums trashing his new guild leader. Some folks don't know when to keep their mouth shut!

I can't top how Guildwatch describes Herding Cats' experience , so here it is word for word-- "This is probably the worst story of raid ID ninja-ing we've heard yet. Herding Cats of EU Venture Co. got a Naxx-10 run together, and PuGged four folks from On Se Kova on the same server. After some issues with the PuGs, they decided to kick them out of the raid, and On Se Kova freaked out -- they trained mobs to the raid, started griefing the raid, and trying to force people out of the instance. Even when the group filled their spots and they couldn't get in the instance, they stood outside and kept trying to get in and grief for over seven hours. Finally, the raid ended up at around 3 a.m. (after starting at 5 the previous evening), and Herding Cats went to bed. Only to discover the next morning that -- you guessed it -- On Se Kova had woken up early, ninja'ed the raid ID, and finished off Sapphiron and Kel'thuzad. 12 full hours of griefing, all for two bosses in Naxx 10. Good show."

There is lots of raid completion and recruiting (of course not on the Solo MMO Player's realm) which you can read about in full here. Many, many thanks to Mike for writing this column to entertain us each week.
